Perhaps nothing will have more of an impact on the UK’s legal system, its people, and immigrants than Brexit. With the government giving its final notice to leave the EU, their focus will shift towards the rights of EU nationals and citizens. Parliament will also publish the Great Repeal Bill to preserve the EU legal and domestic framework. This includes a bill that will propose the rights of EU nationals and the right of immigrants to enter the UK in the future.
However, whatever the outcome of the process will be, you can protect your interests as an immigrant by working with us to ensure that you know what your rights are and you can regularise your stay here in the UK. Since immigration is a highly politicised area of the law, it can undergo frequent changes without prior notice.
To prevent yourself from getting entangled in this mess, you need to work with solicitors who can keep your best interests at heart. We pride ourselves on remaining updated on such issues to ensure our clients receive the best service and advice possible.
The UK is currently home to over 3.6 million EU nationals who make up about 30% of its workforce and in every major sector. EU nationals that arrived around the 30th of March this year were given temporary status which allowed them to stay beyond the deadline of the transition phase, i.e. December 2020.
However, due to impractical non-EU visa rules that may come into effect post Brexit, the nation will see a significant loss in skilled workers, especially in the healthcare and agricultural department. Plus, caps on entries on Tier 2 visas will make it difficult to recruit people from non-EU countries to staff those departments.
Needless to say, once the UK leaves the EU, it will be free to create its own immigration plans that may or may not allow non-EU and EU citizens from settling in the country. Both the UK and EU nationals may face challenges when the divorce is finalised.
How Jackson Longe Can Help
At Jackson Longe, we understand how stressful relocating to a new country can be and with additional sanctions in place, the process can get trickier. We will make the process easier for you with advice on EU applications, student visas, spouse visas, leave to enter visas, family visa application appeal, parent settlement application, tourist visit visas, naturalisation, and, of course, citizenship among others.
Besides expert advice, this also includes assessment of each individual case as well as representation either in court or professional. We understand that each immigration case is different depending on your needs, skill set and settlement options you prefer. Our aim is to provide practical and legal solutions that can ensure smooth settlement without compromising your chances of success post Brexit. Get in touch with us to get a professional and experienced immigration lawyer in the UK.
Please call us on 0208 332 2029 for a non obligation consultation.
©JacksonLongeSolicitors May 2019