We at Jackson Longe Solicitors in Richmond would like to publicly thank our local clients who participated in the Will Aid 2014 for their generous donations which have led to the firm raising an wonderful total of £2,675 for the Will Aid charities during last November’s Will Aid campaign. We volunteered our time and skills to write Wills for local people and through sheer hard work managed to write over 40 Wills, helping these clients secure the future for their loved ones.
Amaka Jackson, Managing Solicitor of this firm said of the campaign:
“Whilst it was rather very hard attending to this many number of clients for free over such a short period of time, it was certainly well worth it. Not only are we delighted that we have managed to raise so much money for the Will Aid charities, we are also very happy about the relationships we have formed with these clients as a result of our shared interest in giving to the charities. Our fundraising success is a testament to the generosity of those people who came forward to have their Will written under the scheme during November and we are grateful to them all.”
Will Aid is the UK’s leading charity will-writing scheme. The solicitors who join offer their time and expertise without charge to give everyone the opportunity to make or update their basic Will in return for a donation to help people in need in the UK and all over the world. This money is shared by nine well-known UK charities: ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).
Shirley Marsland, Will Aid campaign manager, said:
“Jackson Longe Solicitors have made a very valuable contribution to the success of Will Aid. The participating charities are deeply grateful for the funds raised, which they will be able to put to good use to help people in need in the UK as well as around the world. So far the campaign has raised over £1.5m and as donations are still being received we hope the final total will be nearer £2m.”
The scheme runs again in November 2015 and will provide the opportunity for many more people in need of a Will to come forward to sort out their affairs and, at the same time, to support nine of the UK’s best loved charities.
In the meantime, if readers wish to have their Will drawn up, they should contact Amaka Jackson at Jackson Longe Solicitors on 0208 943 3577 or via email atinfo@jacksonlonge.com