Who Do You Want To Take Care of You?
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document used for forward planning. It allows you to choose someone you trust to make decisions for you as it concerns your property and financial affairs or health and welfare in the event that at some time in the future you lack the mental capacity to make those decisions yourself.
There is a misconception that a LPA only applies to the elderly or terminally ill. This is
incorrect! Anyone can by reason of illness or disability, temporary or not, lose their capacity to deal with their own affairs.
The Property and Financial LPA allows you to choose a person you trust to make decisions about how your property and financial affairs are managed.
The Health and Welfare LPA allows you to choose someone you trust to make decisions
about your personal healthcare including life sustaining treatments and your general welfare.
If Left Too Late, a complex, costly and time-consuming application to the Court of Protection is required to appoint a Deputy for you and ultimately the court decides.
For more information and advice, please contact us on 0208 943 3577 / 0778 4075859 or by email info@jacksonlonge.com