Amaka Jackson
Amaka Jackson

What does the Court of Protection do?

The Court of Protection was created under the Mental Capacity Act 2005. It has jurisdiction over property, financial affairs and the personal welfare of people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves. When does the Court of Protection become...

What is the importance of a Will and how to make one?

Seeking the support of a trusted solicitor to write your Will is essential to ensure all of your wishes are met after you die. A Will should make provision for all of your possessions, assets, property and finances. You should allocate and organise how you wish things...

Who can claim under Inheritance Act 1975?

Only a few specific types of people can claim under the Inheritance Act 1975.Inheritance Provision for Family and Dependents ActThe Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 is a law that protects people who are financially dependent on another person...

How long does Probate take?

The probate process can take between 6 months and a year, even longer depending on the complexity of the case. The probate process begins from the date of a person's death to the estate being distributed. Once a Grant of Probate has been issued, the average timescale...

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