Power of Attorney
Power of Attorney Solicitors
What is Power of Attorney?
A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is a legal document used for forward planning. It allows you to choose someone you trust (the Attorney) to make decisions for you, as it concerns your property and financial affairs, or health and welfare in the event that at some time in the future you lack the mental capacity to make those decisions yourself.
There is a misconception that an LPA only applies to the elderly, or terminally ill; this is incorrect. It is wise for everyone, of any age and capacity to have one in place to cover any eventuality.
If you no longer have the mental capacity to look after your own affairs, and you do not have an LPA in place, the Court of Protection will appoint a Deputy to manage your affairs for you. This may not necessarily be a person of your choosing, and can be costly, lengthy and sometimes cumbersome. Worse still, the Deputy may not necessarily be someone you would have chosen yourself.
LPA Solicitors in Richmond Upon Thames.
What are the difference types of Power of Attorney?
The Property and Financial Affairs LPA allows you to choose a person you trust to make decisions about how to your property and financial affairs are managed.
The Health and Welfare LPA allows you to choose someone you trust, to make decisions about your personal healthcare, including life sustaining treatments and your welfare such as deciding where you live.
For more information about our LPA services, please call us on 0208 332 2069 or send an email enquiry to info@jacksonlonge.com
Talk to our LPA Solicitors
Call us between 9:30AM-5.30PM on 0208 332 2069 or fill out the form.
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